Winteri Architecture Portal

Architecture Portal
Client WINTERI Architecture
Year 2020
Client portal: each client has all the information about their project on a platform designed to be used intuitively, with emphasis on the timely delivery of information, storing all the related documentation in a simple and comfortable user view, 100% responsive . It currently has integration with Google Drive to share media files, Google Sheets and Chipax for automatic financial organization, and BIMX Viewer for the 3D experience of virtual visits to each project. Architects portal: allows the internal management of the team. Initially, its function was to manage information for customers. However, it gradually became a tool to unify the work of the different architecture teams on a single platform. Today they coexist in t Portal for builders and suppliers. The information contained in these images has been modified to protect the data of our clients and theirs.

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Social network

Website mobile only

Redesign Flows and interface

Architecture Portal


business-to-business system