Virtual shopping assistant

Assistant programming to calculate the necessary devices that the client requires to build his smart home. The Pckz team developed the design proposal: robot with speech bubble

We did

What is this project about?

«Marty» is the virtual assistant that Smarthomy makes available to its clients to calculate, based on simple questions, the number and variety of devices that are required in each case to build a smart home or office. The proposal was to convert a decision tree designed by Smarthomy's expert team into a friendly robot that, with very simple steps, can use its artificial intelligence to generate an accurate recommendation. Marty's responses can be edited and/or added directly to the shopping cart.

Initial application and development

Initially, the virtual assistant was requested as a test type form that would return the calculation as an answer.

Thanks to the joint work and close communication between the Pckz and Smarthomy teams, we were able to scale this to a much more interactive experience. Smarthomy experts designed the decision tree based on a format provided by Pckz and explained the operating specifications to the development team so that the logic was perfect when calculating a recommendation for the client.

Use of Artificial Intelligence for sales

Pckz designed not only the architecture and logic of the system, but also a strategy for its presentation. In this case, if we are using artificial intelligence to generate accurate recommendations in the sales area and dealing with a company that sells smart products, we proposed giving the assistant "life" with a name, image and way of interacting.

This is how Marty was born, who appears in the lower corner of the user portal when a subscription plan is being chosen. It has the shape of a robot with the colors of Smarthomy, it moves and tells users what it expects of them through dialogue balloons: “answer the following questions”.

Another development along the same lines was to add animations that would give the feeling that the robot is calculating or thinking once it receives the answers and before delivering the results through louders.

Smarthomy is a Chilean company dedicated to the sale and monitoring of smart devices for the home. They currently have an online store and a Customer Portal where buyers can receive assistance and monitoring of their equipment and home security.

business-to-business system



Custom Development