Travel Registration App

Double platform: administration panel + driver app that allows instant registration of land trips and their characteristics. It was designed to be simple to use for the driver, maintaining security protocols and absolute management for its administration. This platform allowed the digitalization of the processes in the Transportes Dicar company.

We did

What does it consist of

This platform allows its administrators the immediate and expeditious registration of travel information that will be invoiced from time to time in the company. It has a double interface: administration desk and app for drivers. Through this system, drivers register the trips at the time of making them and the administration has total control over these data. They can also export in excel format the information filtered by dates, drivers or routes, among others. Each trip is registered with an associated ticket, which was previously done "by hand" in this company.

The drivers

This app was designed to make the entry of trips as simple and expeditious as possible, without affecting the safety of drivers. It has predefined characteristics where the driver only enters with a click or confirms the information, but does not have to write or fill out forms. It also has a night mode system so as not to hinder your eyes on trips in low light.

The driver can see the registered information but not modify it, for this he must contact the administrator.

The administration

Administrators have full control of the information: they can edit data of a trip, add new ones or delete others. Although the rates are calculated automatically according to the chosen parameters; the administrator can change any data of a trip if required. It is also the one who adds users: drivers.

To manage the information collected, the administrator can use filters to select the data required and download all this information in excel format. You can also download the tickets associated with each trip.

Support and accompaniment

Both platforms have a direct link to the company's WhatsApp to attend events (driver) and a direct link to Pckz Support in case of problems with the platform.

Custom Development

Customer Portal (SaaS)

Mobile App

informative landing



Redesign Flows and interface

Social network